Computer Support for Business

Business IT Support and Computer Maintenance

At Cosmic Computer we specialise in managing computer systems for small to medium sizes businesses. We are based in Bath and, although the majority of our clients are in Bath and surrounding area, we have customers located all around the South West.

We can often fix computers and networks  issues remotely.

Many of our customers op into our IT Support contracts for their companies computer support, as they receive priority support and we aim to solve many computer issues before they even become a problem to our clients’.

Computer Support Contracts

Our computer support service contracts can be tailored to meet your business requirements, although you can view our basic support plans below and may find a computer support plan to fit your business requirements. During these contracts, we are actively monitoring your computer system through your server and can often fix computer problems before the users even notices there is an issue with their computer or laptop.

Keeping your computer system maintained and software up to date helps keeping your business compliant with GDPR and computer system secure.

Companies who sign up to one of our Computer Support Contracts also receives priority service and discounts on any additional services and invoices they receive.  Many computer repairs can be done on the same day.

Expert Advice

At Cosmic Computers we can support your business from start up and during growth and expansion.
Proving you with expert advice on the best possible I.T solutions for your business needs, from suggesting hardware based on your requirements, building a custom network that you need to giving advice and support on software solutions. 
Expert IT advice
So as your business grows we will be here to help every step of the way.

Business Bronze

£ 99 Monthly
  • Email and Telephone Support *
  • 1 Hour Onsite Support p/m
  • 2 Hours Remote Support p/m
  • 48 Hours Response Time ****
  • 5% off any additional bills *****

Business Silver

£ 149 Monthly
  • Email and Telephone Support *
  • 2 Hours Onsite Support p/m
  • 3 Hours Remote Support p/m
  • Computer Clean-up for up to 5 Computers **
  • 24 Hours Response Time ****
  • 10% off any additional bills *****

Business Gold

£ 229 Monthly
  • Email and Telephone Support *
  • 3 Hours Onsite Support p/m
  • 5 Hours Remote Support p/m
  • Computer Clean-up for up to 10 Computers **
  • Online Encrypted Backup ***
  • Anti-virus Monitoring
  • Backup Monitoring
  • 24 Hours Response Time ****
  • 20% off any additional bills*****
  • Covers two sites within 5 miles

One off computer repairs for Businesses

If you prefer, we also offer one off computer repair service. If you have a problem with your computer, laptop, network or any other computer related problems we would be happy to help.

You can choose to drop your computer device to us in Bathampton or one of our computer technicians can visit your business to repair your computer system.

Sometimes it maybe possible to talk you through the problem over the phone or we can remotely log into your computer or laptop using a secure connection to fix your I.T related problems.

IT Support for Business


* There is a fair usage policy on all our services and we may advise that an on-site visit may be required to solve a problem.

** Cosmic Computers will clean up your computers within your business on a monthly basis. We will also look at the systems security and look for issues which may cause a problem in the future.

*** A weekly or monthly backup will be completed. If you have a server there is an additional £5 fee per month.

**** The response time applies to working days – Monday to Friday. Cosmic Computers, where possible, will sort out urgent fixes, where the problem affects the day to day running of your business, within this time. However getting parts and Internet downtime may be out of our hands and we will contact the relevant companies to try and resolve any problems quickly. For non-urgent upgrades we will inform you, within the response time, as to how long it should take to complete the task.

***** The discount applies only to labour and does not include parts.

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